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Past Tense Reading

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Reading in Simple Past

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Past Tense ReadingVersión en línea

Reading in Simple Past

por wilmer nuñez

was waited arrived tried was was was graduated were was want was had went left arrived was woke

Yesterday Debbie a job interview . She downtown to the company . The interview for an accounting job . Debbie university 3 months ago .

Her interview at 10 : 00 am . She up at 7 : 00 am and her house before 8 : 00 am . She for the bus , but it late . She very worried because she did not to be late for the interview . She to phone the company to warn them , but her phone battery dead .

When the bus , it almost 9 : 00 am . Then the bus slow because there many other cars . The bus finally at Debbie ? s stop at 9 : 45 am .

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