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Home assignment for 25.03

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Fill the gaps with the appropriated words

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Home assignment for 25.03Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriated words

por Ruslana Purik

interact recognized tolerated intricate for During public civilizations caused help

1 . my travels , I had an interesting encounter with a local artist who shared their techniques with me .
2 . The design of the building made it a popular spot for tourists to take photos .
3 . There was a outcry over the proposed changes to the education system .
4 . The heavy rainfall flooding in some parts of the city .
5 . The restaurant is known its delicious seafood dishes .
6 . As a salesperson , it's important to well with customers to make sales .
7 . The employer was for his outstanding work and given a raise .
8 . The history of ancient is always fascinating to learn about .
9 . The employer provided their employees with additional training opportunities to them advance in their careers .
10 . The employer made it clear that workplace harassment would not be .

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