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Home assignment | Adjectives 24.03

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Fill the gaps with the most appropriated words

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Home assignment | Adjectives 24.03Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the most appropriated words

por Ruslana Purik

excited sick loose sociable urgent moving ordinary confused

1 . I'm feeling today . I think I have a cold .
2 . The project is . We need to finish it by tomorrow .
3 . He's always and enthusiastic about new ideas .
4 . I find some of Brahms's music deeply . In particular , his violin concerto always brings tears to my eyes .
5 . She's feeling about her decision . She's not sure if she made the right choice .
6 . The hotel we stayed in was . The rooms were small , but comfortable .
7 . He's a very person . He likes to meet new people and make friends .
8 . The dress is too . I need to find a belt to wear with it .

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