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Home assignment for 22.03

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Fill the gaps with the most appropriated words

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Home assignment for 22.03Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the most appropriated words

por Ruslana Purik

urgent awful away gorgeous possible exhausted dull ongoing

1 . He is wearing a suit to the party tonight , and he hopes to make a good impression on his boss .
2 . She is from working long hours at the office .
3 . We are working on an project with a deadline tomorrow .
4 . She is participating in an training program to improve her skills .
5 . He is experiencing an headache and needs to take a break .
6 . Her job is so that she's looking for something more exciting and challenging .
7 . He is working on the report as quickly as to meet the deadline .
8 . He is trying to overcome his fear of public speaking and not shy from opportunities to speak in front of others .

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