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ADVANCED adjectives | StoryVersión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriated words

por Ruslana Purik

different time prejudiced judge out on mature spending eventually rebellious open lonely minded

Once upon a , there was a young girl named Lily who lived in a small town . She was a very inquisitive girl who loved to learn new things , but sometimes she felt very because she didn't have many friends .

One day , Lily met a new girl at school named Sarah . Sarah was from a different country and had a skin color . Some of the other kids at school were against Sarah and didn't want to be her friend because of her skin . But Lily was - minded and wanted to be friends with Sarah .

Over time , Lily and Sarah became close friends . Sarah taught Lily about her culture and language , and Lily showed Sarah how to play games that were popular in their town . Lily's parents were very perceptive and could see that Sarah was a good influence Lily . They were happy that their daughter was becoming more and conscientious .

But as Lily grew older , she became more and didn't always listen to her parents . She started to hang with a group of kids who were obstinate and didn't want to include Sarah in their activities . Lily felt torn between her old friend and her new friends , but she realized that she didn't want to be like her prejudiced classmates .

Lily remembered how inspirational Sarah had been to her and decided to stand up for what was right . She told her new friends that they should be open - minded and inclusive , and that they shouldn't someone based on their skin color or background . Her new friends eventually came around and started to include Sarah in their activities .

In the end , Lily learned that being open - and accepting of others was the right thing to do . She also learned the value of time alone and reflecting on what's important in life .

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