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Lesson for Lena 19.03

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Fill the gaps with the appropriated words

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Lesson for Lena 19.03Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriated words

por Ruslana Purik

got quality assumptions goals edge in turned challenging anxious

1 . After receiving the bad news , she tossed and all night , unable to shake off the feeling of dread .
2 . The project seemed promising at first , but we quickly stuck in the planning stage and couldn't move forward .
3 . The level of comprehension required for this academic paper is quite high , and even experienced scholars may find it .
4 . It's dangerous to make without proper evidence or research to support them .
5 . The surgeon is a world - renowned expert in their field , and patients come from all over to receive their cutting - treatments .
6 . The company is investing heavily cutting - edge technology to stay ahead of the competition and maintain their position as industry leaders .
7 . She felt before the job interview , knowing that the stakes were high and the competition fierce .
8 . It's reasonable to expect that any reputable business should provide their customers with products and services .
9 . With persistence and dedication , anyone can achieve their , even in the face of adversity and setbacks .

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