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Home assignment for Lena | 18.03

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Fill the gaps with the appropriated words

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Home assignment for Lena | 18.03Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriated words

por Ruslana Purik

assumptions successful on got tossing achieve high edge about

1 . I couldn't sleep last night , I kept and turning , unable to find a comfortable position .
2 . My car stuck in the mud and I had to call a tow truck to help me out .
3 . Reading this article requires a level of comprehension , as it covers some complex topics .
4 . Don't make about people based on their appearance or background .
5 . The surgeon performed a operation , and the patient is recovering well .
6 . This new software is cutting - technology that will revolutionize the industry .
7 . I'm feeling anxious my presentation tomorrow , I hope it goes well .
8 . It's reasonable to expect your employees to arrive time and complete their work efficiently .
9 . With hard work and dedication , you can your goals and reach your full potential .

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