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Advanced adjectives | Home assignment

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Advanced adjectives | Home assignmentVersión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriated adjective

por Ruslana Purik

inquisitive solitary open conscientious before inspirational maturity prejudiced perceptive obstinate

1 . Being , John always made sure to double - check his work before handing it in .
2 . The coach's words motivated the team to work harder and strive for victory .
3 . Even though his parents told him not to , the child kept playing video games past his bedtime .
4 . Emily enjoyed spending time alone and going for walks in the park .
5 . Being - minded means being willing to listen to and consider different perspectives .
6 . It's not fair to judge people based on their race or religion - that's called being .
7 . The child was always asking questions and wanting to learn more about the world .
8 . Emma is very and can always tell when someone is upset or unhappy .
9 . Sarah showed a lot of by admitting her mistake and apologizing for it .
10 . It's important to think you speak and consider how your words might affect others - being insensitive can hurt people's feelings .

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