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En el siguiente párrafo sobre la rutina de Alejandro faltan algunas palabras. Debes encontrar la palabra apropiada para completar el texto con el vocabulario revisado en el Módulo 2.

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Presente Simple (D)Versión en línea

En el siguiente párrafo sobre la rutina de Alejandro faltan algunas palabras. Debes encontrar la palabra apropiada para completar el texto con el vocabulario revisado en el Módulo 2.

por Daniel Sánchez

healthy upper cool lower cardio down body hydrates body upper relaxes injuries warm upper up body body

This is Alejandro's Exercise Routine : He does at 6 : 30 . At 7 : 00 he jumps rope . Then he does a lower and - to start the routine .

Alejandro starts with the until he reaches the . Considering that he is in good physical shape , he will integrate several repetitions into each exercise . As the first exercise we must warm up to avoid . In the he will do chest , arms , neck , shoulders . For the lower train , legs , buttocks are performed , of each one 5 repetitions per part of the body .

To finish he performs a , where he each part of the body and . This is how Alejandro's routine ends by eating and knowing what he should do every da y

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