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Lola 14/03 cadena alimenticia, contaminación etc

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Lola 14/03 cadena alimenticia, contaminación etc

por María Romera

chains plastic trees pollute down extinct resources habitats

When we use quickly , ecosystems don't have enough time to produce more . We hunt and fish species that are nearly . We cut too many . They take tens of years to
grow again . Also , we destroy the of plants and animals , altering food . Human activities the environment with harmful emissions , bags , waste from farming and industry . . . We disturb the calmness of landscapes with light and noise .


nature crops wood superconsumers build

Human beings get what we need from to survive . We are . We hunt animals and create farm . We use materials , such as rocks and , to create objects . We use water for many purposes . We have fun in nature . We alter landscapes to roads , houses and other buildings .


plants Consumers nutrition minerals chain dioxide water omnivores Decomposers Producers

One way living organisms and non - living things are related is through the function . This can be seen in the food .
, like , make their own food with non - living things in their habitat like , sunlight , carbon and from the soil
, like herbivores , carnivores and , feed on other living organisms .
transform dead organisms into minerals in the soil .

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