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Collocations | Simple Examples

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Fill the gaps with the appropriated words

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Collocations | Simple ExamplesVersión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriated words

por Ruslana Purik

make sound shoestring about paycheck get out catch

1 . We're living on a budget this month , so we need to be careful with our spending .
2 . She's on the fence whether to take the job offer or not .
3 . I need to up on some work that I missed last week .
4 . We need to to the bottom of this issue to find out what's really going on .
5 . They're struggling to ends meet , so they started a small business to supplement their income .
6 . Many people are forced to live to paycheck because of low wages and high living costs .
7 . I always get a kick of watching comedy movies with my friends .
8 . Despite the storm , they arrived safe and at their destination .

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