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Home assignment for Liza 12.03

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Fill the gaps with the appropriated words

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Home assignment for Liza 12.03Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriated words

por Ruslana Purik

desperation to submitted uncomfortable address Further impair avoid Thankfully shoelaces lost Committing excruciating posture

1 . Wearing the wrong shoes can be detrimental to your and overall health .
2 . His response the criticism was very mature and thoughtful .
3 . She tripped and fell because her were untied .
4 . In a moment of , he made a decision that he later regretted .
5 . , no one was injured in the accident .
6 . a crime can have serious consequences , including imprisonment and a criminal record .
7 . We need to the issue of climate change before it's too late .
8 . She felt around the stranger , so she moved away .
9 . The pain in his knee was , and he had trouble walking .
10 . research is needed to determine the long - term effects of this medication .
11 . To avoid getting sick , it's important to wash your hands frequently and touching your face .
12 . There were numerous errors in the report , which had to be corrected before it could be .
13 . Drinking alcohol can your judgment and decision - making abilities .
14 . She consciousness after hitting her head on the pavement and had to be rushed to the hospital .

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