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Read and complete J-M

por Kha Platform

layer lack journey key law less lay lipstick keep Misplacing job kind lie jar leaf joy label let jump log late leg large jet kept luck me judge lying kill lady just kid know join low king led land Mr last My lot loss known

He applied for a at the local supermarket .
I finished reading this book .
She felt pure when she saw her family .
She dropped the and it shattered into pieces .
We arrived at our destination in just an hour by .
Would you like to us for dinner tonight ?
The cat attempted to onto the counter .
The presided over the high - profile case .
The to the top of the mountain was difficult .
He lost the to his apartment .
The bartender tapped the keg for the party .
The ran across the park to catch the ball .
I don't the answer to that question .
Please the door closed at all times .
She the secret to herself for years .
The lion was able to its prey with one swift move .
He is a and generous person .
The ruled over the kingdom with an iron fist .
They shared a passionate kiss in the rain .
It is a well - fact that exercise is good for you .
Please me know if you need any help .
I bought a of fruits and vegetables at the market .
She decided to down on the couch and relax .
He injured his while playing soccer .
The lumberjack cut down the huge .
The volume of the music was too .
The states that you must wear a seatbelt in a car .
He told a to get out of trouble .
She wore a bright red to the party .
" The dog was in the sun , enjoying the warmth . "
The elephant is a and majestic animal .
She added a of frosting to the cake .
The time we saw each other was at the airport .
I'm sorry I'm for our meeting .
He received money than he was expecting .
The team suffered a devastating in the final game .
There was a of enthusiasm in the room .
He had a stroke of and won the lottery .
The wind blew the across the yard .
The plane is about to on the runway .
The on the package was torn and unreadable .
The asked for directions to the museum .
He the team to victory with his exceptional skills .
" Can you pass the salt , please ? "
favorite color is blue .
. Johnson is the CEO of the company .
your keys is a common problem .


mix May means mess mean mad man map Men mail mass mark make mere mud made

He made a in the kitchen while cooking dinner .
The thought of spiders makes her anxious .
The standing over there is my boss .
and women have different biological characteristics .
" I use your restroom , please ? "
She used a to navigate through the city .
She was at him for forgetting their anniversary .
She likes to different colors when she paints .
The bike got stuck in the during the race .
The of the object is an important factor in physics .
The dress was by a famous designer .
" It's not what you said , it's how you said it that was . "
Money is a of exchange for goods and services .
She wants to a cake for her friend's birthday .
He received an important letter in the yesterday .
He left a on the wall while moving the furniture .

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