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Present perfect (verbs practice)

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Fill in the gaps using the correct verb.

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Edad recomendada: 14 años
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Present perfect (verbs practice)Versión en línea

Fill in the gaps using the correct verb.

por Halley Yuriko Montoya Luna

bought played gone written finished been met lived seen had

1 . She has in Liverpool all her life .
2 . I've that film before .
3 . I've the guitar ever since I was a teenager .
4 . He has three books and he is working on another one .
5 . My last birthday was the worst day I have ever .
6 . Have you ever George ?
7 . Where have you ?
8 . She's to Paris for a week .
9 . Have you your homework yet ?
10 . We have a new car this week .

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