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Sponda 3: Sentences 8 March 2023

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Sponda 3: Sentences 8 March 2023Versión en línea

Complete the sentences by clicking on the listed words.

por Marietta Chela

transaction sole emphasis determined stairwell compliance vicious circle merged enhance trader encouraging

1 . Many people get trapped in a of dieting and weight gain .
2 . You can never place enough on the importance of safety .
3 . The was lit by a single bulb .
4 . The number of staff we can take on will be by how much money we're allowed to spend .
5 . Each at the foreign exchange counter seems to take forever .
6 . The company said that it had always acted in with environmental laws .
7 . I have a successful consultancy business but am a .
8 . The firm became the world's largest supplier of online security software when it with its rival in a £35m deal .
9 . Smart personnel practices the value of a company and its stock .
10 . The council is the development of the property for both employment and recreation .

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