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Reading exercise A1

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Complete the following text with the words given in your right side

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Reading exercise A1Versión en línea

Complete the following text with the words given in your right side

por Luis Angel Roldan

are How Bye Did you are meet three Please

Hi Lucia

How are ? It was so nice to you last week in Sydney at the sales meeting . was the rest of your trip ? you see any kangaroos ? I hope you got home to Mexico City OK .

Anyway , I have the documents about the new Berlin offices . We're going to be open in months . I moved here from London just last week . They very nice offices , and the location is perfect . There are lots of restaurants , cafés and banks in the area . There's also public transport ; we next to an U - Bahn ( that is the name for the metro here ) . Maybe you can come and see them one day ? I would love to show you Berlin , especially in the winter . You said you have never seen snow ? you will see lots here !

Here's a photo of you and me at the restaurant in Sydney . That was a very fun night ! Remember the singing Englishman ? Crazy ! Please send me any other photos you have of that night . Good memories .

give me your email address and I will send you the documents .

for now

Mike l

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