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Restaurant Conversation

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Customer and Waiter

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Restaurant ConversationVersión en línea

Customer and Waiter

por CCPNA Peru

11 2 1 10 3 12 8 7 5 9 6 4

. Thank you , but I don't like wine .
. Plain , please .
. Sparkling or plain ?
. Good evening . Yes , please . I'd like the shrimp cocktail .
. It comes with white rice or potatoes .
. I am not sure . Does the grilled chicken come with rice ?
. Shrimp ? May I recommend some wine ?
. Excuse me , are you ready to order ?
. Fine , I'll have the chicken with rice . And for dessert . . .
. We have a delicious chocolate cake ,
. What would you like for your main course ?
. OK . I'll have the cake and a bottle of water .

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