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The Phillips Curve - Fill-in-the-Blank

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The Phillips Curve - Fill-in-the-Blank

por Zachary Foust

AD Phillips down up along AS demand inflation oil movements supply negative demand

Looking at historical data for Britain , the economist Alban W . H . found that when the unemployment rate was high , the wage rate tended to fall .

Economists soon found a similar relationship between the unemployment rate and the rate of .

The short - run Phillips curve represents the short - run relationship between the unemployment rate and the inflation rate .

The Phillips curve is tied to the - model

An increase in aggregate leads to a fall in the unemployment rate and an increase in the inflation rate .

A decrease in aggregate leads to a rise in the unemployment rate and a fall in the inflation rate .

Other things equal , increases and decreases in aggregate demand result in to the left and right the short - run Phillips curve .

Changes in aggregate also affect the Phillips curve .

Supply shocks , such as sudden changes in the price of , shift the short - run aggregate supply curve and the short - run Phillips curve .

A negative supply shock shifts SRPC ( right ) , increasing the inflation rate and the unemployment rate .

A positive supply shock shifts SRPC ( left ) , decreasing the inflation rate and the unemployment rate .


power workers expected experience downward upward

The expected rate of inflation is the rate that employers and expect in the near future .

Changes in the rate of inflation affect the short - run Phillips curve .

Workers want a wage rate that takes into account future declines in the purchasing of earnings .

An increase in expected inflation shifts the short - run Phillips curve ( rightward ) .

A decrease in expected inflation shifts the short - run Phillips curve ( leftward ) .

People base their expectations about inflation on .


short choice long

In the - run , policymakers have a : they can choose to accept the price of high inflation in order to achieve low unemployment , or they can reject high inflation and pay the price of high unemployment .

In the - run , it is not possible to achieve lower unemployment by accepting higher inflation .


long persistent matches change above high below

A attempt to trade - off lower unemployment for higher inflation leads to accelerating inflation over time .

To avoid accelerating inflation over time , the unemploment rate must be enough that the actual rate of inflation the expected rate of inflation .

The unemployment rate at which inflation does not over time is known as the nonaccelerating inflation rate of unemployment ( NAIRU ) .

Keeping the unemployment rate the NAIRU leads to ever - accerlating inflation and cannot be maintained .

The long - run Phillips curve ( LRPC ) shows the relationship between unemployment and inflation in the run .

Any unemployment rate the NAIRU leads to decelerating inflation .


natural NAIRU swings

The natural rate of unemployment is the portion of the unemployment rate unaffected by of the business cycle .

The is another name for the natural rate .

The level of unemployment the economy needs in order to avoid accelerating inflation is equal to the rate of unemployment .

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