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Diagnostic test Reading skills

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Please fill in the blanks by clicking in the words. Llene los espacios en blanco del texto haciendo click and la palabra que corresponda.

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Edad recomendada: 12 años
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Diagnostic test Reading skills

Please fill in the blanks by clicking in the words. Llene los espacios en blanco del texto haciendo click and la palabra que corresponda.

Betty Villacob

in In for there are there There of to to Many are for In is can at is to many are might

Curacao is a beautiful island . many nice beaches visit . Some beaches are more beautiful than others . Curacao you find a lot restaurants and bars , the food very nice . From downtown just walk straight ahead for ten minutes and turn right Otrabanda . otrabanda houses from the colonial times . houses are painted very particular colors like green or purple .
You ask , activities kids ? Yes there are . From playing the beach , swimming with many dolphins . Any reason to not visit Curacao ? No there is not . Curacao the great place your next holiday .