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لمهمة أقرأ وأكمل

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Arabia Saudí

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كلمات تبدأ بحرف DVersión en línea

لمهمة أقرأ وأكمل

por Kha Platform

done dull due does deer doll did dig dosage desk dirt dad didn't die dirty Don't dose duty

I love spending time with my .
She her homework every day after school .
" It's important to wear a helmet when you ride a bike , so you don't . "
The dog likes to holes in the backyard .
" I my best on the test , but I still need to study more . "
" The report is next week , so I need to work on it . "
The garden is full of and worms .
" Please wash your hands , they're . "
It's my to take care of my pets .
I have time to finish my project .
forget to brush your teeth before bed .
" I'm so happy , I've finally it ! "
The doctor prescribed a of medicine for my cold .
The of the medication is on the label .
The ran across the road in front of my car .
I like to keep my clean and organized .
The little girl loves to play with her .
" The movie was boring , it was very . "

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