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How to Put People at Ease

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Edad recomendada: 20 años
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How to Put People at EaseVersión en línea

Fill in the gaps by typing the word from the list

por Nastia Sakharova

engage Physical hand lean elbow in Unfold hands arms Smile Nod contact eye Interested

How do you get someone who doesn ? t know you to feel comfortable talking ?

- . It says , " I ? m approachable . "
- Good . You don ? t need to stare , but studying the carpet is a real put off .
- your . Crossing them makes you appear defensive and signals tension .
- your head and . Show that you ? re engaged and interested .
- contact . Touching is a powerful act . Most people convey their friendly intentions by shaking ; some go further by shaking with two hands . You can also touch the other person ? s since it ? s slightly more personal than a .
- Be . The real core of all connecting is to care about people . It is a pleasure to with people who are interested in me . It doesn ? t get boring . It is fun to meet an interesting person , but it gets boring once they ? ve told their story .

If you care about other people , these habits naturally start to flow .

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