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Home assignment for L 23.02

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Fill the gaps with the appropriated words

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Home assignment for L 23.02Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriated words

por Ruslana Purik

commonly numerous deprivation exhausted impaired extend witness vulnerable gorgeous

1 . The was questioned by the prosecutor to gather more evidence for the trial .
2 . The driver's ability to drive was severely by drugs , which resulted in a serious accident .
3 . Elderly people are often seen as and in need of special care .
4 . The company's reputation was severely damaged by scandals and negative media coverage .
5 . Sleep is often experienced by people who work night shifts or have irregular sleep schedules .
6 . After a long day of work , I felt completely and fell asleep immediately .
7 . The dress she wore to the party was and attracted a lot of compliments .
8 . The immigration officer approved our request to the visa for another six months .
9 . It's believed that regular exercise and a healthy diet can improve overall health .

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