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Little Red Hen

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Little Red Hen

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Edad recomendada: 7 años
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Little Red HenVersión en línea

Little Red Hen

por Елена Илларионова

Green brown daughters cat dog black white nice lake name children clever family duck big little friends yellow son grey brown happy

This is the Red Hen . Her is Jen , or Jen the Hen . Jesn the Hen is very .

Jen the Hen has got a . She has got three little - three little chickens . They live in a house in Street .

Jen the Hen has got one and two . They are .
They are very , very . They like to run and jump . How Jen the Hen loves them all ! They are a family .

Jen the Hen has got three . They are a , a , and a .

This is the Cat . The Cat's name is Pam , or Pam the Cat . She is a big cat . She lives in Green Street , too .

This is the Dog . The Dog's name is Tug , or Tug the Dog . He is and . He is very . He lives in a doghouse .

This is the Duck . The Duck's name is Chuck , or Chuck the Duck . She is . She is big , too . She is a good swimmer . She lives near the .

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