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Aggregate Supply - Fill-in-the-Blank

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Aggregate Supply - Fill-in-the-Blank

por Zachary Foust

price supply level

The aggegate supply curve show the relationship between the economy's aggregate and the total quantity of goods and services producers are willing to .


upward profitable positive fixed typical sticky encourage wages time proportion short cost rise fall slow price nominal resentment contracts slow all profit informal

There is a relationship in the run between the aggregate price level and the quantity of aggregate output supplied .

A in the aggregate price level is assoiciated with a rise in the quantity of aggregate output supplied .

A in the aggregate price level is associated with a fall in the quantity of aggregate output supplied .

This positive relationship exists due to the most basic question facing a producer : Is producing a unit of output or not ?

Profit per unit of output = per unit of output - production per unit of output

At any given point in time , many of the costs producers face are per unit of output and can't be changed for an extended period of time .

Typically , the largest source of inflexible production cost is the paid to workers .

Wages refers to forms of worker compensation , including employer - paid health care and retirement benefits .

The dollar amount of any given wage paid is called the wage .

Wages are typically an inflexible production cost because the nominal wage is often determined by that were signed some time ago .

Even when there are no formal contracts , there are often agreements between management and workers , making companies reluctant to change wages in response to economic conditions .

Unless the downturn has been particularly long and severe , companies usually will not reduce wages during poor economic times for fear of generating worker .

Until they are at risk of losing workers to competitors , companies typically won't raise wages during better economic times because they don't want to workers to routinely demand higher wages .

As a result of formal and informal agreements , the economy is characterized by wages .

Sticky wages are nominal wages that are to fall even in the face of high unemployment and to rise even in the face of labor shortages .

Fixed costs give rise to an - sloping short - run aggregate supply curve .

If the aggregate price level rises , the producer receives a higher price for its final good or service .

Since many production costs are fixed in the short - run , the production cost per unit of output doesn't rise in to the rise in the price of a unit .

Accordingly , per unit of output rises , leading producers to increase the quantity supplied in the short - run .

The positive relationship between the aggregate price level and the quantity of aggregate output producers are willing to supply during the period when many production costs can be taken as fixed is illustrated by the short - run aggregate supply curve .


right renegotiated left costs leftward right rightward input costs left right left right shifts left

There can be of the short - run aggregate supply curve .

A decrease in short - run aggregate supply is shown by a shift of the short - run aggregate supply curve .

An increase in short - run aggregate supply is shown by a shift of the short - run aggregate supply curve .

If something happens that raises production , a producer now earns a smaller profit per unit of output , and the short - run aggregate supply curve shifts to the left .

If something happens that lowers production , a producer now earns a higher profit per unit of output , and the short - run aggregate supply curve shifts to the right .

Oil is a commodity .

A commodity is a standardized bought and sold in bulk quantities .

An increase in the price of a commodity raises production costs across the economy , shifting the short - run aggregate supply curve to the .

A decline in the price of a commodity reduces production costs , shifting the short - run aggregate supply curve to the .

Nominal wages can change once enough time has passed for contracts and informal agreements to be .

A rise in nominal wages increases production costs , shifting the short - run aggregate supply curve to the .

A fall in nominal wages decreases production costs , shifting the short - run aggregate supply curve to the .

An increase in productivity means that a worker can produce more units of output with the same quantity of inputs , shifiting short - run aggregate supply to the .

A fall in productivity reduces the number of units of output a worker can produce with the same quantity of inputs , shifting short - run aggregate supply to the .

If inflation is expected to be higher than previously thought , workers will seek higher nominal wages to keep pace with the higher prices , leading to higher production costs and shifting the short - run aggregate supply curve to the .

If inflation is expected to be lower than previously thought , workers will accept lower nominal wages , leading to lower production costs and shifting the short - run aggregate supply curve to the .


renegotiated actual flexible Technological potential rightward proportion growth no flexible flexible vertical qualtity quantity

Contracts and informal agreements are in the long - run .

In the long - run , nominal wages are , not sticky .

In the long - run , the aggregate price level has effect on the quantity of aggregate output supplied .

In the long - run , prices and costs change by the same , so profit and output remain unchanged .

The long - run aggregate supply curve shows the relationship between the aggregate price level and the quantity of aggregate output supplied that would exist if all prices were fully .

The long - run aggregate supply cruve is because changes in the aggregate price level have no effect on aggregate output in the long - run .

The horizontal intercept where LRAS touches the horizontal axis is the economy's output .

Potential output is the level of real GDP the economy would produce if all prices were fully .

In reality , the level of real GDP is almost always either above or below potential output .

Potential output rises over time , implying a series of shifts of the LRAS curve .

The factors related to long - run economic cause rightward shifts of the LRAS curve .

Increases in the of resources , including land , labor , capital , and entrepreneurship shift the LRAS curve to the right .

Increases in the of resources , such as a better educated workforce shift the LRAS curve to the right .

progress shifts the LRAS curve to the right .

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