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Sleep deprivation | Dialogue

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Sleep deprivation | DialogueVersión en línea

Fill the gaps with the most suitable word

por Ruslana Purik

amount deprivation habits seriously take awful disease honest breathing know on cultivating drastically

A : Hey , how have you been doing lately ?
B : To be , I've been struggling a bit with sleep . I feel like I'm the verge of developing insomnia .
A : That sounds . Have you tried anything to combat the fatigue ?
B : Yeah , I've been trying to reduce the of time I spend on my phone and other electronics before bed . I've also been doing some relaxation exercises , like deep .
A : That's a good idea . I've heard that discipline with your sleep can also help . Have you tried going to bed and waking up at the same time every day ?
B : I haven't tried that yet , but it's definitely worth a shot . I think I need to start taking this more before it turns into a chronic .
A : Definitely . It's important to care of your physical and mental health . Let me if there's anything I can do to help .

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