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Economic System - Market (D)

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language economy Edad recomendada: 12 años
11 veces realizada

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rachelle diesta
rachelle diesta
Este juego es una version de Economic System - Market

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Economic System - Market (D)

Compare Market Economy

rachelle diesta

market competition little intervention buy supply demand market Companies make

Market - A economy ( sometimes called a " free " ) is one based on and . Consumers are free to whatever product they want . can whatever product they want . There is government allowing the economy to sort itself out through .

Nelson , Ken . ( 2019 ) . Money and Finance : Economics for Kids . Ducksters . Retrieved from https : / / www . ducksters . com / money / economics . ph p


market demand intervention market Companies make supply little competition buy

Market - A economy ( sometimes called a " free " ) is one based on and . Consumers are free to whatever product they want . can whatever product they want . There is government allowing the economy to sort itself out through .

Nelson , Ken . ( 2019 ) . Money and Finance : Economics for Kids . Ducksters . Retrieved from https : / / www . ducksters . com / money / economics . ph p