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recoveryVersión en línea


por Katalin Karakó

air fragile supposed case about least tests anything heal recover any major Apart easily stuck focusing expected myself process exact Obviously strength ECG incision wound

Oli : So , how are you feeling ?

Stephanie : Quite , to be honest . I mean , I feel better than I did , but it ? s a long .

O : Well , that ? s to be . You had a operation . How long do they say it ? ll take to ?

S : They don ? t give answers to things like that . I guess every is different , but they said I should be back to normal in around three months .

O : Three months ? !

S : I won ? t be like this for three months , or at I hope not . I get tired so right now . They told me I should get some back in a couple of weeks .

O : Do you have to go back in for any more ?

S : I have to go tomorrow to get the cleaned and dressed . It ? s a big , so that ? ll take a while to just by itself . from that , I think I have to go back in a month or so for an . Maybe there ? s more , but I ? m not on that right now . One day at a time !

O : Do you need any help with ? Please ask if you do . I ? d love to help if I can .

S : That ? s kind of you ! If you want , you could take me for a walk . I ? m not to go outside by , but it ? s nice to get some fresh . I start going crazy if I ? m just in bed or at home all day .

O : Sure , how tomorrow ?

S : That would be great ! Come by time .

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