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Talking About Bad Habits

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Edad recomendada: 16 años
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Talking About Bad HabitsVersión en línea

esl xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

por Katalin Karakó

thanks down cravings quit moderation guess sense going give vice tempted big associate count pretty though similar stick determined

Stephanie : Beer ?

Daniel : Oh , no . I ? m trying to cut .

S : Really ? I didn ? t think you were a drinker .

D : I ? m not , but I ? m trying to smoking . I ? ve tried five times , and this time I ? m to make it . I smoking with drinking , so I feel like it ? s easier not to drink , too .

S : That makes . I ? ve heard a lot of people say things . So , how ? s it ?

D : It ? s been two weeks , which is good . I still get but they ? re not as strong as they were . I feel much better already , .

S : I I ? m lucky that I ? ve never been by smoking . Coffee is my . I ? ve tried to cut down , but I could never it up completely .

D : Well , coffee ? s not so bad , in .

S : Yeah ? Does six cups a day as ? moderation ? ?

D : Hmm ?

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