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Outcomes B1_Unit 3_Couch-surfing_Vocabulary

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Choose the correct word to complete the gap.

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  1. tiempo
  1. tiempo

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Outcomes B1_Unit 3_Couch-surfing_VocabularyVersión en línea

Choose the correct word to complete the gap.


back make outstay awkward treat track ripped to entirely connections to

She speaks English and knows the city like the of her hand .
You will also gain insights on how you can meaningful with people .
Simply put , the amount of time you wish to invest in any particular habit is up you .
Sadly , you're going to have to go back to Google and start your shopping search all over again , but you didn't get off , so that's only a good thing .
And if I were you , I would not your welcome in Sir William's .
Make yourself a nice gift , for example , yourself a meal or buying clothes .
They were so attentive that sometimes I felt a bit .
So he's got a pretty good record for keeping his promises .

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