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Modals revision B1 cloze sentences

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Modals revision B1 cloze sentences

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Edad recomendada: 15 años
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Modals revision B1 cloze sentences

Modals revision B1 cloze sentences

Marcos Herranz Ayuso

have to don't have to shouldn't must without ought be able to doesn't have to should mustn't to infinitive with

For advice and recommendation we use : , and followed by to .


mustn't to verb ending in -ing can must should has doesn't have hasn't shouldn't infinitive don't have haven't have

For obligation we use : , and to followed by .


shouldn't be able to should ought to must doesn't don't have to mustn't has to can't can

For prohibition we use : or , but not / , because that is for lack of obligation .


must didn't use to weren't used to won't could aren't wasn't can't mustn't can isn't will couldn't going

For ability and inability we use : in the present : and ; in the past : , and / able to ; in the future : be able to , be able t o


should may must might ought can't to

To speculate we use : when we are certain that something is true , and to express probability , and to express possibility when we aren't sure , and to express we are certain that something is impossible .


advice inability recommendation permission obligation ability lack of obligation criticism

We use should , shouldn't and ought to to express , or .


shouldn't mustn't don't have to have to must should can't can ought to

With the allowance my parents give me I afford it , because it's quite cheap .


don't have to shouldn't can't should can have to

She study maths harder , because she needs to pass the exam .


must have can't has won't be able to can should doesn't have don't have

My doctor told me that I to stay in bed while I have the flu .


can may ought not to should mustn't shouldn't might ought to

You speak aloud inside the library .


will can't able be don't have to should won't have have to can could ought to

Once you learn all the modals in English you to make lots of new sentences .


doesn't have to will be able to don't have to mustn't shouldn't can can't should

You wear warm clothes if you don't want to catch a cold .


shouldn't will be able to won't be able to can't can should

You injure yourself if you play too roughly .


doesn't have to has can't have to to mustn't shouldn't can don't have to must

My dad take a blood test before his operation .


won't doesn't have to be can to will are should able don't have to

With your broken leg you play football this month .


should can't mustn't can must couldn't shouldn't will be able to

The bear was trapped and escape .


can't mustn't will be able to shouldn't won't be able to can ought to must

They look after their dog better . It looks so thin and dirty !


able to don't can shouldn't be have to will won't doesn't ought can't to

Your mum make your bed ! You make it at your age !


able be to mustn't can should will must ought won't

You take more medicine than what it says in the doctor's prescription .


can should shouldn't must can't have to ought not to has to don't have to doesn't have to ought to

That be the delivery boy , because I haven't ordered anything .


can't must can should ought not to mustn't shouldn't ought to

Someone's knocking at the door . It be Abby , because I was expecting her to come .


mustn't ought not to shouldn't should will be able to won't be able to ought to can't

You tell your teacher if someone is being mean to you .


can't can able to won't shouldn't should ought not couldn't will could be

When you've recovered from the flu you go back to class .


will be able to won't be able to should can't couldn't must can could mustn't

If you don't use sunscreen on your skin you get sunburnt .


will be able to shouldn't won't be able to have to mustn't may

She hasn't come to class for two days in a row , so she be ill .


must should could ought not to will be able to shouldn't mustn't may not can't couldn't

We apply for a volunteer job to help animals . They need us and we love animals !


must may couldn't could should can't can might

It be very difficult to study science with all those exams !


may ought to might shouldn't should can't have to has to must mustn't can

He was injured very badly . It hurt a lot .


have to should don't have to must mustn't can't may can might shouldn't

I have a runny nose , I have the flu or I just have a common cold .


could have couldn't doesn't should don't must has to may mustn't might to

We do this project to increase our mark , it's not mandatory , but I think we do it , because having a higher mark is always better .


should could can't shouldn't to have can must didn't doesn't mustn't has to

We bring a dictionary of English to class . If we need one the teacher lend us one from the class library .


shouldn't can should be mustn't may must won't haven't can't has will to able hasn't been

I come to class for the last two day because I was sick . Tomorrow I go , I'm not sure , but according to the doctor I be better by then .