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Debi Nova - practice with transition words

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Choose the word/s that best complete the sentences in this biography of Debi Nova.

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Debi Nova - practice with transition wordsVersión en línea

Choose the word/s that best complete the sentences in this biography of Debi Nova.

por Camille Campbell

By now began the songwriter later singer of Eventually age

Debi Nova is a famous as a Costa ? Rican . She was born in San José in 1980 , but lives in Los Angeles , CA . Her musical career when she was 4 - years - old and started playing the piano . 14 , she was a singer - songwriter and also played many instruments . She moved to Los Angeles for a record contract . , the contract fell through , and she spent a long time struggling to succeed .


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living in Los Angeles , her big break came she met Ricky Martin who became her mentor . Her music career took off , and , she has been nominated six times for Grammy awards . Her music is featured in the soundtrack to 6 movies . being a musician , she has participated in the show , Dancing with the Stars . dance , she is an activist for women´s rights and participated in the TEDx Joven Pura Vida conferece . , Debi Nova´s importance in the world of music will continue for years to come .

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