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Pauli: Vocabulary Review 27.1.23

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Let's review some of the terms in your Quizlet class folder with this activity. You need to complete the sentences by clicking on the correct terms. Remember to do it in order, so start with the first sentence and work your way down, as the word you click automatically goes to the next available gap.

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Edad recomendada: 20 años
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Pauli: Vocabulary Review 27.1.23Versión en línea

Let's review some of the terms in your Quizlet class folder with this activity. You need to complete the sentences by clicking on the correct terms. Remember to do it in order, so start with the first sentence and work your way down, as the word you click automatically goes to the next available gap.

por Marietta Chela

disciplined awarded rehabilitator gained rehabilitant quote breeds rehabilitated pools lay

1 . The article starts with a from an unnamed member of the Cabinet .
2 . This condition is hereditary in some dog .
3 . Someone who is undergoing rehabilitation , as of for a disability , is known as a .
4 . A is a person engaged in rehabilitating others .
5 . A rehabilitee is one who is being or has been .
6 . Companies continue to off employees in a fight to cut costs .
7 . Some consulting firms are building their own labor from scratch .
8 . A senior army officer has been for revealing secret government plans to the media .
9 . Her poodle was first prize in the dog show .
10 . She's certainly confidence over the last couple of years .

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