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Fill the gaps 25.01

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Put these words in the suitable sentence

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Fill the gaps 25.01Versión en línea

Put these words in the suitable sentence

por Ruslana Purik

nightmare cross with anxious of disappointed meticulously handful layover way

1 . My Dad gets with me if I leave the kitchen in a mess .
2 . She was to see her essay returned with a mass of corrections in red ink .
3 . The drought has made farmers about the harvest .
4 . She checked the painting for any damage .
5 . The whole journey was a - we lost our luggage and both flights were delayed .
6 . She invited all her friends to her party , but only a of them turned up .
7 . Security forces had reportedly opened fire killing dozens protesters .
8 . Would you prefer an aisle seat or a window seat ? I would be content a window seat , thank you .
9 . We had a three - hour in San Francisco and had to change planes on the way to Hawaii .
10 . By the , is the screening of checked luggage on domestic flights compulsory ?

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