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The Calculation of Unemployment - Fill-in-the-Blank

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The Calculation of Unemployment - Fill-in-the-Blank

por Zachary Foust

working force sum United sample Census looking Bureau looking unemployed looking job over over labor available jobless States

People are employed if and only if they have a .

The is the federal agency that collects data on unemployment .

People are unemployed if they are , for jobs , and available for work .

Retired people don't count as unemployed because they aren't for jobs .

The disabled don't count as unemployed if they aren't for work .

A country's labor force is the of the employed and the unemployed .

Another way to define the labor force is the sum of the people who are currently and the people who are currently for work .

The labor force participation rate is the share of the working age population that is in the .

Labor force participation rate = labor force the population age 16 and older

The unemployment rate is the percentage of the total number of people in the labor force who are .

Unemployment rate = number of unemployed workers the labor force

To estimate the unemployment rate , the United States Census Bureau carries out a monthly survey called the Current Population Survey , which involves interviewing a random of American families .


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The unemployment rate is a good of how easy or difficult it is to find a job given the current state of the economy .

When the unemployment rate is , nearly everyone who wants a job can find one .

Although the unemployment rate is a good indicator of current labor market conditions , it is not a measure .

An individual who has looking for a job isn't counted as unemployed .

Individuals who want to work but aren't currently because they see little prospect of finding a job are known as discouraged workers .

Discouraged workers are part of a group known as marginally attached workers .

Marginally attached workers are people who say they would to have a job and have looked for work in the recent past but are not currently looking for work .

Another category of workers who are in their ability to find work but aren't counted as unemployed are the underemployed .

The underemployed are workers who would like to work more or who are for their jobs .

The is the federal agency that calculates the official unemployment rate .

The Bureau of Labor Statistics also calculates " measures of labor utilization " that include frustrated workers such as marginally attached workers and the underemployed .

is the sum of frustrated workers and the unemployed .

The unemployment rate varies greatly among groups .

Other things equal , jobs are generally easier to find for more workers and for workers during their working years ( ages 25 to 54 ) .

For workers and workers nearing age , jobs are typically harder to find .


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There is a generally strong relationship between the real GDP growth rate and the unemployment rate .

Years of high growth in real GDP are years in which the unemployment rate .

Years of negative growth in real GDP are years in which the unemployment rate .

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