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Nominal GDP vs. Real GDP - Fill-in-the-Blank

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Nominal GDP vs. Real GDP - Fill-in-the-Blank

por Zachary Foust

prices real size price output

GDP is a measure of the of the economy , providing a scale against which to compare the economic performance of other years .

Part of the increase in the value of GDP over time represents increases in the of goods and services rather than an increase in .

To measure actual changes in aggregate output , economists use a modified version of GDP that is adjusted for changes , known as GDP .


output prices Real aggregate total prices time prices

GDP provides a good way to compare the size of different economies , but it's not a good measure of the economy's growth over .

Even if an economy's output doesn't change , GDP will go up if the of the goods and services the economy produces increase .

GDP can fall either because the economy is producing less or because have fallen .

An accurate measure of is needed .

Aggregate output is the quantity of final goods and service produced within an economy .

GDP is a measure of aggregate output .

By tracking real GDP over time , economists avoid the problem of changes in distorting the value of changes in production .


current base quantities Nominal prices constant given Real eliminating prices

To estimate the true increase in aggregate output , economists have to determine how much GDP would have gone up if had not changed .

To find aggregate output , economists use the from year 2 and the from year 1 .

Real GDP is the total value of all final goods and services produced in the economy during a year , calculated as if prices had stayed at the level of some year .

GDP removes the effect of price changes .

Nominal GDP is the total value of all final goods and services produced in the economy during a year , calculated at prices .

GDP can overstate or understate growth in output over time .

By comparing output using a common set of prices , economists are able to focus solely on changes in the quantity of output by the influence of changes in prices .


include afford labor population divided average productivity expenditures limitations distributed income working person

Other things equal , a country with a larger population will have a higher GDP simply because there are more people .

To eliminate the effect of differences in size , economists use GDP per capita .

GDP per capita is GDP by the size of the population .

GDP per capita is the GDP per person .

Real GDP per capita is the average real GDP per .

Real GDP per capita can be a useful measure of .

Real GDP per capita has well - known as a measure of a country's living standards .

Real GDP does not many of the things that contribute to happiness , such as leisure time , volunteerism , housework , and natural beauty .

Real GDP increases with on some things that make people unhappy , including disease , divorce , crime , and natural disasters .

Real GDP per capita corresponds to the value of in a country .

A country with a relatively high GDP per capita can relatively high expenditures on health and education , however , real GDP per capita does not indicate how income is .

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