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The Circular Flow Model and GDP - Fill-in-the-Blank

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The Circular Flow Model and GDP - Fill-in-the-Blank

por Zachary Foust

Economic spending of Bureau Analysis

In the United States , the calculates the national income and product accounts .

The national income and product accounts keep track of the of consumers , sales of producers , business investment , government pruchases , and a variety of other flows of money among different sectors of the economy .


resources production of income factors services and produces goods Households firms markets opposite equal flow firms households

The circular flow model shows the of money , products , and resources through the economy .

The flow of money into each market or sector is to the flow of money coming out of that market or sector .

The simple circular flow model shows the flow of resources / products in one direction and the flow of money in the direction .

In the simple circular flow model , the two sectors of the economy are and .

A household consists of either an individual or a group of people who share their .

A firm is an organization that goods and services for sale .

There are two kinds of in the simple circular flow model .

Product markets are markets for .

Households buy goods and services from .

Factor markets are markets in which firms buy the they need to produce goods and services .

own the and sell them to firms .


revenue absorb physical expanded borrowed profit capital purchased rent new and rest provide firms sold structures services households Households interest lending income output tax bonds Military ownership paying inventories homes good borrowing world the goods hold Unemployment loans purchased taxes wages service loans sold machinery receiving of stocks

The circular flow model includes extra elements that were ignored in the simple circular flow model .

In product markets , engage in consumer spending , or the purchase of goods and services .

sell the use of their land , labor , capital , and entrepreneurship to in exchange for payments of rent , wages , interest , and profit .

Most households derive the bulk of their income from earned by selling labor .

Some households derive additional income from their indirect ownership of the used by firms .

The indirect ownership of physical capital takes the form of and .

Stocks are shares in the of a company .

Bonds are to firms .

The income households receive from the factor markets includes distributed to company shareholders and the payments on any bonds that they hold .

Households receive from firms in exchange for the use of their land .

Some households receive government transfers , which are payments that the government makes to individuals without expecting a or in return .

insurance payments are one example of a government transfer .

The markets for goods and services do not all household income .

Households must pay part of their income to the government in the form of .

The total income households have left after government transfers and taxes is disposable income .

Households set aside a portion of their for private savings .

Private savings go into financial markets where they are used to buy stocks / bonds and make .

Financial markets funds to the government , firms , and the rest of the world .

The government uses much of its , plus additional funds in the financial markets , to buy goods and services and provide government transfers .

Government purchases are total expenditures on by federal , state , and local governments .

spending is an example of a government purchase .

The participates in the United States economy .

Some of the goods and services produced in the United States are to residents of other countries .

Goods and services to other countries are known as exports .

Some of the goods and services by residents of the United States are produced abroad .

Goods and services from other countries are known as imports .

Foreign generates a flow of funds into the United States from the rest of the world .

Foreign leads to a flow of funds out of the United States to the rest of the world .

Investment spending is spending on new productive physical capital , such as and , and on changes in .

Inventories are goods and raw materials that firms to facilitate business operations .

Investment spending includes spending on the construction of any structure , including assembly plants and .

Like an assembly plant , a new house produces a future stream of - housing services for its occupants .


rent sum three value final inputs profit end spending wages added interest

Final goods and services are products that are sold to the final , or , user .

Intermediate goods and services are products that are into the production of final goods and services .

Gross domestic product ( GDP ) is the total value of all goods and services produced in an economy during a given period of time .

There are approaches to the calculation of GDP .

The - approach is to survey firms and add up their contributions to the value of final goods and services .

The expenditure approach is to add up aggregate on domestically produced final goods and services in the economy .

Aggregate spending is the of consumer spending , investment spending , government purchases , and exports minus imports .

The income approach is to add up the total factor income earned by households from firms in the economy , including , , , and .


same sale inputs

The value of intermediate goods and services are excluded from GDP to avoid counting the items several times .

The value - added method avoids double - counting by subtracting the cost of from the value of the at each stage of the production process .


subtract G G spending I leaks C X M C double I expenditure M net X final counting

The approach is another way to calculate GDP .

The expenditure approach adds up the aggregate on domestically produced final goods and services .

The expenditure approach must be carried out in a way that avoids - .

The expenditure approach counts only the value of sales to buyers , such as consumers , firms that purchase investment goods , the government , or foreign buyers .

Four types of spending make up GDP .

Consumer spending is denoted by the symbol .

Investment spending is denoted by the symbol .

Government purchases are denoted by the symbol .

Exports are denoted by the symbol .

Since it is not spent on domestic goods and services , income spent on imports across national borders .

Statisticians must spending on imports from the calculation of GDP .

Imports are denoted by the symbol .

GDP = + + + -

The difference between the value of exports and the value of imports is known as exports .


wages interest profit rent factor income

The income approach adds up the earned by labor , the earned by those who lend their savings , the earned by those who lease their land , and the earned by the shareholders who own the physical capital of a firm .

All the money spent on domestically produced goods and services generates .


goods double services counting counting counting double double

Intermediate goods are not included in GDP to avoid - their value .

Inputs are not included in GDP to avoid - their value .

Used goods are not included in GDP to avoid - their value .

Financial assets such as stocks and bonds are not included in GDP because they are not or .

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