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Keynote 3 - 12A

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(A healthy lifestyle)

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Edad recomendada: 14 años
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Keynote 3 - 12A

(A healthy lifestyle)

Sonia Martinez

enough not been About really cope into yawning reduce with stressed hours five out

A : You ? ve all day . Are you OK ?

B : Yeah . I ? m just feeling tired .

A : How much sleep did you get last night ?

B : , I guess .

A : That ? s not . I heard we need about seven to nine hours of sleep every night .

B : Yeah , I usually get more sleep . It ? s just that I ? ve been over schoolwork recently .

A : Maybe you should find a way to the stress so you can get more rest . How about doing some exercise ?

B : I ? m sports . I prefer activities like reading .

A : Reading is good , too . As long as it ? s something you enjoy , it will help your stress .