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New Year's resolutions

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New Year's resolutions

Listen to the conversation and complete the gaps.

Jean Marie Mirandé

me going Mine those come am not good fun am I I taught

Ross : I to be happy this year . Every day , I going to do one thing ? ve never done before . That , my friends is my New Year ? s resolution .

Phoebe : Oh , that ? s a one . is to pilot a commercial jet . ? Maybe your resolution should be to make of your friends .

Ross : In fact , I ? ll bet you 50 bucks you can go the whole year without making fun of us . You know what ? Better yet , a week .

Chandler : ? ll take that bet , my friend . And you know what ? Paying me the 50 bucks can be the ? the new thing you do everyday ? .

Joey : Alright , my New Year ? s resolution is to learn how to play guitar .

Phoebe : Really ? How ?

Joey : Well , you know special skills I have listed on my résumé . I would love it if one of those was true .

Phoebe : Do you want to teach you ? I ? m a great teacher .

Joey : Really ? Who have you ?

Phoebe : Well , I taught me , and I loved me .