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The Visigoths

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Spain in the middles ages

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The VisigothsVersión en línea

Spain in the middles ages

por Joana Batista

various Visigoths tribes century came

In the years before the end of the Roman Empire , Germanic came to Roman Hispania . The were one of these tribes . They to Roman Hispania in the 5th A . D .


Germanic capital fight kingdom established helped

At first , the Visigoths the Romans other tribes . Then , after the fall of the Roman Empire , the Visigoths established a new with its city in Toledo . It was called the Kingdom of Toledo . It was in 507 A . D .


king bishops called nobles laws meetings

The Visigoth made the . Sometimes he had special with and . These meetings were the council of Toled o


event same Visigoth united religion

In 589 A . D . , King Recaredo converted to Catholicism . This was an important in Spanish history . It the Visigothic kingdom under one . Now the nobles and Hispano - Roman nobles had the religion .


cultural bishop adopted write important learned first speak

The Visigoths to Latin and they Roman laws . There were some important developments . St Isidoro of Sevilla was a an Visigoth thinker . He was the Christian to an encyclopedia .

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