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Fill in the gaps (amphibians)

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AmphibiansVersión en línea

Fill in the gaps (amphibians)

por Ascensión Sánchez García

early older herviborous metamorphosis move four common membrane water become adults reproduce lungs toes breathe like skin larvae

All amphibians have some features :
- They are vertebrates .
- They have a thin bare .
- Most have legs with a between their , that allows then to much better in the .
- They are oviparous , they by laying eggs .
- In the stages or their lives , they live in water as , but they slowly change in a process of till they look their parents .
- In the early stages of their lives , they throug gills , but when they are they breathe through their and skin .
- Some are when they are young , but carnivorous when they get .

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