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Outcomes B1_Unit 1_Vocabulary_Gaps

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Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. FOLLOW THE ORDER OF SENTENCES STRICTLY.

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Completar frases

Outcomes B1_Unit 1_Vocabulary_GapsVersión en línea

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. FOLLOW THE ORDER OF SENTENCES STRICTLY.


Not all the supports this view .
Mary watched the other dancers to see if she could up any tips .
He thinks he can by without trying hard .
My parents wouldn't me to go to the party .
A number of people are taking part - time jobs .
I like the new Audi in of styling .
I used to be unable to myself in English .
How far can he get with his English ?
She inherited a good set of from her parents .
When you live in a country you soon pick the language .

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