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Gerunds or Infinitives (D)

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Complete choosing either a gerund or an infinitive

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Gerunds or Infinitives (D)

Complete choosing either a gerund or an infinitive

Aneth Juliana Soto Cossio

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In my opinion the lockdown due to Covid19 is so boring , but not it may be dangerous .
Getting sick is not good at all . I know some people who got sick and their lives are worst . So I´d like out , in fact I feel like together with some friends . I´m always thinking about friends or places . I enjoy museums too . Actually my cousin asked me him in his birthday but I didnt . Because a friend , when his aunt died for the Covid19 , couldn´t his family for the service . So although I wanted there I didnt .
However at home with my family is teaching us more tolerant
Anyway I´m looking forward to with my friends everyday again .