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ing or ed?

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complete thte text with the correct adjectives ending in ing or ed

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ing or ed?Versión en línea

complete thte text with the correct adjectives ending in ing or ed

por Alicia Zacatenco

1 . I don't like watching scary movies . They are really frightening .
2 . I don't watch golf because I'm not really it .
3 . During holidays I don't have much to do so I get really .
4 . I can't stop watching this series . It's so !
5 . My mother was feeling after working all day long so she went to bed early .
6 . I can't stand drunk people . They are really .
7 . Marie didn't pass her exam so she's she might fail the class .
8 . My father hates snakes . He's really them .
9 . It was really he didn't pass his test , he always got the best grades .

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