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The Little Prince

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Lets see what can you remember of this beautiful story! But don't worry if you don't remember parts of it, you can always read it again. :)

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The Little PrinceVersión en línea

Lets see what can you remember of this beautiful story! But don't worry if you don't remember parts of it, you can always read it again. :)


I lived my life , without anyone that I could really talk to , until I had an accident with my in the Desert of Sahara , six years ago .
Something was in my engine .
The first , then , I went to on the sand , a thousand miles from any human habitation .
I was more than a shipwrecked sailor on a raft in the middle of the ocean .
Thus you can my amazement , at sunrise , when I was awakened by an odd little voice .
It said :
" If you please ? draw me a ! "
" What ! "
" Draw me a sheep ! "
I to my feet , completely thunderstruck .
I my eyes hard .
I carefully all around me .
And I a most extraordinary person , who stood there examining me with great seriousness .
Here you may see the best that , later , I was able to of him .
But my is certainly very much less than its .

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