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The importance of Education

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The importance of EducationVersión en línea

Fill the gaps in order to make sense to the text

por Jean Carlos Jiménez Castro

career cradle feel think benefits advantages grave'' society thoughts opportunities behave pursue confidence experiences personality success improves

Education is an important issue in one's life . It is the key to in the future and to have many in our life . Education has many for people . For instance , it illuminates a person's mind and thinking . It helps students to plan for work or a higher education while graduating from university . Having education in an area helps people , , and in a way that contributes to their success , and not only their personal satisfaction but also their community . In addition , education develops human , , dealing with others and prepares people for life . It makes people have a special status in their own and everywhere they live in . I believe that everyone is entitled to have education ? 'from to . There are various of having education such as having a good , having a good status in society , and having self - .

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