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Fill in the Gaps

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Fill in the blank gaps with the appropriate words to complete the sentence in reported speech.

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Edad recomendada: 17 años
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Fill in the GapsVersión en línea

Fill in the blank gaps with the appropriate words to complete the sentence in reported speech.

por Néstor de Armas

" I'll drive you home " : she said she me home .

" I was at work all morning " : she said she at work all morning .

" The meeting may start late " : he said that the meeting late .

" I can't lend you the money " : she said she me the money .

" I work at a museum " : she said she at a museum .

" I haven't been able to study at all " : he said he to study at all .

" Be quiet ! " : she told me .

" I'll be in London tomorrow " : he told me that he in London tomorrow .

" Do you want to go to the beach ? " : he asked me if I to the beach .

" I am having pizza for lunch " : she said she pizza for lunch .

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