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Phrasal verbs - Setting up the P.C.

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Complete the text using phrasal verbs

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Phrasal verbs - Setting up the P.C.Versión en línea

Complete the text using phrasal verbs

por Adam Napier

in over back out out on up off up

Adam : Hi , is that Dave Mathews ?
I phoned earlier but you were busy and your colleague told me to call you . I just truned on this computer , but it doesn´t work . Neither do the speakers nor the webcam work correctly . Can you help me sort it ?
What ? Of course I´ve plugged it and I 've turned it . I tried to read the instructions , but then I gave . They don't make any sense . I just can't work how to set it .

Dave : Ok , so let's start by switching it and starting it all again .

Adam : Ok sure , hold on , i'll do that .

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