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Vocabulary unit 1 Adam

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Vocabulary unit 1 AdamVersión en línea


por Julia Cusola

0 ) We are going to to paris next month .
1 ) Sorry , I'm , I was watching a film and I set off later .
2 ) I pasta , so I will put some rice instead .
3 ) When my parents didn't listen to me I .
4 ) After a long , she reached her destination .
5 ) His true calling was in architecture and he in this profession .
6 ) After having spent weeks in the hospital , he finally .
7 ) Sorry , I'm on the way , I was watching a film and I set off later .
8 ) After a long journey , she .
9 ) We are going on a this weekend .
10 ) I want to this amazing island !
11 ) He traveled to London , it is a for him !
12 ) I didn't have any help with the maths exercice , I did it .

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