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Gap-filling exercise

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BW3-U8-A3BVersión en línea

Gap-filling exercise

por Thu Ha Ngo

The is the delivery of electronic equipment by TEGID ( SA ) to phone Europe . ( For specification of conditions , delivery terms and dates , see Appendix A . Unless otherwise provided , these specifications are binding to both contracting parties . )
The signature of both contracting parties constitutes a for the delivery of the chosen articles ; call - off orders will be handled through the online portal of TEGID ( SA ) . Both sides accept the general standard terms and conditions of TEGID ( SA )
TEGID ( SA ) to select suitable logistical partners to meet scheduled delivery dates . TEGID ( SA ) is not or losses incurred by the logistical partners .
Phone Europe agrees to fulfill its payment obligation within 14 calendar days after receipt of the articles . If the contracting party exceeds the by more than ten calendar days , TEGID ( SA ) will charge an of four percent above the base interest rate of the European Central Bank . 10 Euros will be charged for each reminder .
An agreement clause being or becoming void does not .
TEGID ( SA ) reserves all rights to in parts or in full if Phone Europe infringes any of the agreed provisions . A penalty depends on the extent of the damage issused by TEGID ( SA ) ( for details see Appendix B ) .

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