skill knowledge Reflection #2
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In knowledge reflection #2you will find terms and definitions. Read each definition and click the word that matches it from the word selection on the right.
To complete this knowledge reflection you need to score 80% or higher. The reflection allows you two attempts to score. The system will keep the highest score. If you do not score 80% or higher your first time around, stop, go back into your reading and videos to refresh the material before taking the knowledge reflection again. Have fun!
To complete this knowledge reflection you need to score 80% or higher. The reflection allows you two attempts to score. The system will keep the highest score. If you do not score 80% or higher your first time around, stop, go back into your reading and videos to refresh the material before taking the knowledge reflection again. Have fun!
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partes de una planta
silvia de la galaPerúla partes de una planta son: tallo que sostiene a la planta, la raiz que absorve el agua y las sales minerales, las hojas que realiza la funcion de la fotosintesis y la flor -
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Completar un texto en inglés.
Belém AragónEspañaEsta actividad trata de completar un texto sencillo en inglés. Esta actividad esta dirigida para alumnos de 3º de la ESO